Monday, August 6, 2012

Pop in Education

** CAUTION: not my usual post!!! **

As some may know, I am a music education major as well as a journalism one.

I am also a huge fan of using pop music in education.

I know that the majority of middle and high school students don't enjoy classical music. That's okay... I don't love it, either.

A good way to reach those kids and influence them through music is by using popular music in the classroom.

My father was a band director for 27 years and for his last 8 years or so, he's been teaching a class called "The History of Rock 'N Roll". Basically, it covers music covering the span from blues and it's transformation and evolution to rock. Through that class, I know my father reached students that otherwise wouldn't have gotten farther than a middle school general music class.

I also think that teachers should branch out in their band and choir classes and use more modern literature.
For example, I know that one of the reasons I love pep band is because we play fun, popular music.

It's important for kids to realize that music isn't just about classical or baroque or romantic; it's about making art and doing something to make the world more beautiful.

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